Beretskiy Igor Sergeevich (Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University))
Irbitskiy Ilya Sergeevich (Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University))
Egorova Evgeniya Kirillovna (Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University))
Mokryakov Aleksey Viktorovich (Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Associate Professor, Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin)
This paper considers homogeneous hypergraphs (complexes) and methods for their reconstruction from vertex degree vectors. Two new algorithms for implementing a vector into a complex are considered: greedy (full iteration of simplices) and reductive (construction of simplices from vertices with the largest number of incident simplices remaining). A software package for restoring hypergraphs from vertex degree vectors using both of these algorithms is implemented.
Keywords:uniform hypergraph, the restoration of the hypergraph, the greedy algorithm, the reduction algorithm.
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Citation link: Beretskiy I. S., Irbitskiy I. S., Egorova E. K., Mokryakov A. V. Algorithms for restoring k-homogeneous hypergraphs by the vector of degrees of their vertices // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№08. -С. 31-36 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2020.08.03 |