Abakeliya Kama Gurelievna (Postgraduate student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)
Kosyreva Tamara Fedorovna (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of food fluids on the human body and dental system. Systematic consumption of food beverages, which are characterized by a low pH, leads to hypersensitivity, erosion, and pathological tooth erasability. The article presents the results of a study of the effect of various food liquids on the microhardness of molars of teeth, which was carried out on experimental animals (rats). The results and conclusions are supported by the results of other clinical trials that show the effect of food beverages on hard dental tissues. It is concluded that food drinks cause damage to both healthy and affected teeth, aggravate the erosive process and carious course. The use of water does not lead to negative effects on the hard tissues of the tooth and the condition of fillings.
Keywords:food liquids, carbonated drinks, non-carious lesions of teeth, tooth enamel.
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Citation link: Abakeliya K. G., Kosyreva T. F. The influence of food fluids on the body and the dentition // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№11. -С. 126-129 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2020.11.01 |