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Overview of photopolymer resins used in dentistry

Ertesyan A. R.  (Ph.D., FSBEI HE «Samara State Medical University» MOH Russia)

Sadykov M. I.  (Ph.D., Professor, FSBEI HE «Samara State Medical University» MOH Russia)

Nestеrov A. M.  (Ph.D., Professor, FSBEI HE «Samara State Medical University» MOH Russia)

Arestova A. A.  (FSBEI HE «Samara State Medical University» MOH Russia)

Dentistry is one of the most developing specialties in the field of 3D printing, and it is in dentistry that not only the speed and accuracy of the manufactured orthopedic structures are most important, but also the properties of the materials used: safety; biocompatibility; compliance with medical requirements. The article presents the results of a review of biocompatible photopolymer resins used in dentistry. The composition, properties and characteristics of photopolymer resins are described. Analysis of the assortment of the Russian market of certified photopolymer resins used in dentistry showed that the main market share is occupied by only one company producing these resins. The presented review of photopolymer resins showed that today an active search continues in the field of developing modern materials for use in dentistry.

Keywords:biocompatible photopolymer resin, 3D printing, SLA, stereolithography.


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Citation link:
Ertesyan A. R., Sadykov M. I., Nestеrov A. M., Arestova A. A. Overview of photopolymer resins used in dentistry // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№12. -С. 238-240 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2020.12.42
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