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Recommendation service for trading shares on the stock market using machine learning

Semyannikov Gleb Valeryevich  (National Research Technological University «Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys», Institute of Information Business Systems)

in the modern world, globalization and the development of information technologies dictate the need to implement various computer technologies in all spheres of public relations, based on the use of artificial intelligence methods. One such method is machine learning, which is the ability of computers to learn new things autonomously. In recent years, machine learning has not only become a major financial industry, but also took the first place among the technologies used on the back-end markets. The more data is processed using machine learning, the more accurate the conclusions obtained using such training. Machine learning allows you to facilitate decision-making processes by analyzing and identifying significant patterns, directing traders to a specific decision based on forecasted indicators. The author analyzes the possibility of using machine learning technologies in stock markets and demonstrates how machine learning algorithms are implemented when trading shares on the stock market.

Keywords:stock markets, stocks, machine learning, investment, price forecasting, deep learning, benchmark


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Citation link:
Semyannikov G. V. Recommendation service for trading shares on the stock market using machine learning // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№04. -С. 131-134 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2020.04.36
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