Nikiforov Igor Anatolyevich (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academy of Postgraduate Education "Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»)
Burygina Larisa Andreevna (Chief Physician of the P. B. Gannushkin Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 4 of the Moscow City Health Department)
Belova Maya Yuryevna (Deputy Chief Physician of the P. B. Gannushkin Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 4 of the Moscow City Health Department; V. A. Gilyarovsky Psychiatric Hospital)
Kostyuk Georgy Petrovich (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Physician of the N. A. Alekseev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow City Health Department)
Chronic alcohol intoxication (CHAI) leads to an inflammatory process in the intestine and a violation of its functions. In the review of the literature devoted to this problem, the mechanisms of intestinal damage are revealed. They are associated with a violation of the composition and functions of the microbiota, excessive bacterial growth, increased mucosal permeability, endotoxemia, the development of the inflammatory process and a decrease in the immune status of the intestine.
Keywords:chronic alcohol intoxication, intestinal microbiota, bacterial growth, endotoxemia, intestinal wall permeability disorder, intestinal inflammation.
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Citation link: Nikiforov I. A., Burygina L. A., Belova M. Y., Kostyuk G. P. Chronic alcohol intoxication and comorbid bowel disorders (literature review) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№05/2. -С. 145-150 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.05-2.19 |