Romanov Victor (Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, FGBOU VO «Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering», Bryansk )
Pruss Boris (Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, FGBOU VO «Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering», Bryansk )
Prozorov Yaroslav (Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, FGBOU VO «Bryansk State Technical University», Bryansk)
Moiseev Grigory (Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, FGBOU VO «Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering», Bryansk )
The article describes the problem of determining the required number of tools at sawmills. The developed software based on the method of calculating the need for a tool of woodworking enterprises is considered. An example of work is given.
Keywords:information system, wood cutting tool, sawmill.
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Citation link: Romanov V. , Pruss B. , Prozorov Y. , Moiseev G. Development of an information system for calculating the necessary amount of wood cutting tools at logs // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№09. -С. 70-76 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.09.22 |