Tikhonov Martin Robertovich (Cand. Sc. (Technology), associated professor, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
Akulenok Marina Viktorovna (Cand. Sc. (Technology), associated professor, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
Shikula Olga Sergeevna (senior teacher, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
The article describes an analysis and an example of the implementation of software for constructing process controllability control charts based on the functionality of the MATLAB software package. The existing main software products for supporting statistical control are analyzed: SAP (System Analysis and Program Development - System Analysis and Program Development (by the name of the developer company)), 1C, Statistica, MATLAB, Minitab, EMI systems. The mathematical apparatus of control charts is presented, as well as the results of approbation of the developed software module.
Keywords:Process control, Control charts, Software, MATLAB, Statistical Process Control.
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Citation link: Tikhonov M. R., Akulenok M. V., Shikula O. S. Development of an automated module for constructing control charts process based on the MATLAB software package // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№12. -С. 160-165 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.12.35 |