Goncharov Dmitry Viktorovich (Assistant, National Research University "Belgorod State University", Belgorod)
Sviridova Irina Vyacheslavovna (Assistant, National Research University "Belgorod State University", Belgorod)
This article examines the current and modern methods of neuro-fuzzy analysis in the processes of determining the beneficial location of enterprises. The main directions of using artificial intelligence in the processes of determining the profitable location of enterprises are given. The article also investigates the direction of using artificial neural networks for solving learning problems for the selection of determining the favorable location of enterprises. The research methodology has a complex interdisciplinary nature and is based, firstly, on the analytical philosophy of consciousness and the philosophy of artificial intelligence, secondly, on the general methodology of cognitive, computer science and neurosciences, and thirdly, on the philosophical and methodological imperative of explicating the scientific and theoretical content in the economic processes of enterprise management. It is shown that artificial intelligence technologies generally have a positive effect on the functioning of the control system for selecting a favorable location for enterprises.
Keywords:neuro-fuzzy analysis, artificial intelligence, training, selection, advantageous location, enterprise, neural network
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Citation link: Goncharov D. V., Sviridova I. V. Analysis of methods determination of profitable location of enterprises based on neuro-fuzzy analysis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№01. -С. 63-67 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.01.14 |