Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Modern solutions for the modernization of hardware and studio complexes

Kuznetsov Svyatoslav Sergeevich  (technical director of San Porto and Torre Ricca TV channels Torre Ricca Limited Liability Company, Moscow)

In the television and radio industry, hardware and studio complexes are the basis of the workflow, since with the help of technical means of such complexes, the preparation of television and (or) radio broadcasting programs is carried out. However, modern conditions, characterized by global digitalization and a high level of competition among the media, dictate the need to implement the working process of preparing for broadcasting and broadcasting itself using high-performance and efficient broadcasting technologies. Among such technologies are technologies based on artificial intelligence. In the article, the author analyzes the theoretical aspects of the use of modern solutions for the modernization of hardware and studio complexes using technologies based on artificial intelligence and concludes that such technologies have a significant positive impact on the production process and television broadcasting. This is manifested in particular in the possibility of improving the efficiency of the workflow by automating individual workflows and data processing and generation processes. At the same time, the main requirement for any technology based on artificial intelligence is the availability of a large amount of data for training neural networks that represent the connection between events (phenomena) to solve a specific problem. Therefore, in order to create hardware-software hardware-studio complexes for further use as part of the optimization of the working or production process, it is necessary to develop a training environment that uses data from real tasks in the field of broadcasting.

Keywords:television center, hardware and studio complexes, optimization of work processes, evolution of technological equipment; artificial intelligence, machine learning.


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Citation link:
Kuznetsov S. S. Modern solutions for the modernization of hardware and studio complexes // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№08. -С. 88-91 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.08.23
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