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The effectiveness of digital technologies of linguistic content in the field of biotechnology, engineering for academic and professional interaction

Syreskina Svetlana Valentinovna  (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Samara State Agrarian University Associate Professor of the Department of "Foreign Languages")

Chigina Nelly Vladimirovna  (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Samara State Agrarian University Associate Professor of the Department of "Foreign Languages")

Kalinichenko Elina Borisovna  (Candidate of Sociological Sciences Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering Associate Professor of the Department of "Foreign Languages and Speech Culture")

Maltseva Olga Gennadievna  (Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Philosophy and History of Samara State Agrarian University)

Krestyanova Elena Nikolaevna  (Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Philosophy and History of Samara State Agrarian University)

Kamuz Valentina Vladimirovna  (Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Philosophy and History of Samara State Agrarian University)

Intensive digitalization of information flow processing processes, which has permeated almost all spheres of society in recent decades, is initially focused on systematization and simplification of operating with large arrays of structured data. The nature and purpose of this data, in fact, does not matter to the machine code processing it. As you know, the most capacious sphere in terms of the scale of information exchange is social communication; the subject of interpersonal communication can be an unlimited range of issues related, inter alia, to social relations, people's daily concerns, the field of professional activity, as well as training. The volumes of all kinds of content generated by humanity in real time, its thematic diversity, disorganization and multiformatedness have reached such a size today that without the development of effective filtering algorithms, accounting and competent decoding of information flows, the value of the data contained in them will steadily decrease. The main problem in this regard, according to the author, is the automation of the processes of transformation of linguistic content. Taking into account the existence of thousands of independent language systems on the planet and an even larger number of dialects, and also taking into account that the development of relevant information today takes place not only in traditional analog text representation, but also in digital, including audio and video formats, this task cannot be called simple. The research of the processes described above is carried out by a special discipline – computational linguistics, the possibilities of which are currently not fully disclosed. The reason is the complexity of structuring linguistic content due to the national and cultural peculiarities of its formation in different countries of the world; significant apperceptive load inherent in human speech; insufficient development of artificial intelligence technologies. In this article, the author offers his own vision of the state and prospects for the development of digital technologies in the context of language content processing, including taking into account their application to solve specific tasks – use in the development of projects involving the construction of software and hardware complexes as part of biotechnological solutions, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for these purposes.

Keywords:computational linguistics; digital processing of linguistic content; NLG and NLU solutions in bioengineering.


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Citation link:
Syreskina S. V., Chigina N. V., Kalinichenko E. B., Maltseva O. G., Krestyanova E. N., Kamuz V. V. The effectiveness of digital technologies of linguistic content in the field of biotechnology, engineering for academic and professional interaction // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№10/2. -С. 97-103 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.10-2.25
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