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Algorithm for companding a sound broadcasting signal with saving its shape

Popov Oleg Borisovich  ( Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow)

Chernysheva Tatiana Vasilievna  (associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow)

Kuznetsov Peter Gennadievich  (graduate student, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow)

Makarina Diana Aleksandrovna  (graduate student, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow)

Existing channels for transmission and storage of a sound broadcast signal do not provide the ability to preserve the natural dynamic range. To save it, either compander systems are used, including a compressor and an expander that distort the signal, or an increase in the bit depth of the signal representation, which sharply increases the volume of the transmitted signal. An algorithm is proposed that ensures companding with maximum preservation of the signal shape while minimizing its volume.

Keywords:Segment, gain, window function, dynamic range, signal-to- noise ratio, distortion, bit depth.


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Citation link:
Popov O. B., Chernysheva T. V., Kuznetsov P. G., Makarina D. A. Algorithm for companding a sound broadcasting signal with saving its shape // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№10/2. -С. 76-82 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.10-2.21
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