Kildebekova Raushania Nasgutdinovna (MD, Professor of the Department of Mobilization Training
of Healthcare and Disaster Medicine of the Bashkir State Medical
University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ufa)
Bikkinina Guzel Miniraisovna (MD, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology "Bashkir
State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Federation, Ufa)
Vardikyan Asya Gareginovna (Postgraduate student of the Department of Mobilization Training of Healthcare and
disaster Medicine of the Bashkir State Medical University of
the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ufa)
the article presents the dynamics of indicators of the activity of regulatory systems and the psycho-emotional state of patients with arterial hypertension with meteosensitivity against the background of additional intake of fabomotizol. The study included patients with AH with meteosensitivity (n=102) and AH not meteosensitive (n=96). The IA subgroup on the background of hypotensive therapy received fabomotizol 50 mg / day. 3 days before the change in weather factors, IB - fabomotizol 30 mg / day. 3 days before the change in weather factors, and group II received basic hypotensive therapy. The indicator of activity of regulatory systems (PARS) was evaluated by the sum of the modules of evaluation criteria with accounts of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. The psychoemotional state of patients with AH with meteosensitivity was assessed on the HADS scale. The results of the study showed that the additional use of fabomotizol in a daily dose of 50 mg / day. 3 days before the change in weather conditions in patients with hypertension with meteosensitivity helps to reduce anxiety levels, improve compensatory and adaptive mechanisms of the body.
Keywords:arterial hypertension, meteosensitivity, compensatory and adaptive mechanisms, anxiety.
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Citation link: Kildebekova R. N., Bikkinina G. M., Vardikyan A. G. Evaluation of the effectiveness of fabomotizol in patients with arterial hypertension with meteosensitivity by indicators of activity of regulatory systems // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№10. -С. 195-199 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.10.16 |