This article is devoted to the analysis of standards what are used to build a distributed architecture in applications. At the same time, taken in the account the multi-factorial and multi-level nature of the tasks that users set for the software, a reasonable assertion arises about the need and expediency of using multi-agent technologies. It is this approach what is now the most in demand in terms of different areas of development and formation of artificial intelligence, as well as different niches of information technology. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the problems that this method of building software poses. Since only when certain shortcomings and difficulties are taken into account, unresolved issues can be identified and futher eliminated to futher increase the efficiency of work. This issue requires coverage and detailed analysis, since recently the task conserning the process of designing social-economic systems from the point of view of information support has become more and more urgent. And since here you can immediately identify several niches, more precisely, spheres and subsystems, then the approach to solving each component should be applied individually, taken into account key characteristic. And this can be implemented at a sufficiently high level only by multi-agent technologies for building a distributed architecture for a web application. At the same time, it is worth considering different subspecies of such a system, which are expressed in deliberative, reactive and hybrid ways of building an architecture. And the latter, giving the ever increasing multitasking of software, is becoming the most commonly used when creating web application.
Keywords:system, functioning, program, software, information, environment, intelligence, artificial, agent, multi-agent, technology, application, features, basic autonomy.