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Nitrareductase activity in cowpeas under chloride salinization with the participation of trichoderma and molybdenum

Gadimov Aladdin Gasan  (PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Institute of Botany of ANAS)

Alizadeh Kamala Seifeddin  (PhD in Biology, assistant, Sumgayit State University)

Rahimova Samira Natig  (Assistant, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Ganja)

Rasulova Sadagat Mirbala  (Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Associate Professor, Institute of Botany of ANAS)

The article studied the influence of the micromycete TR. Asperellum and molybdenum on nitrate reductase activity and morphological parameters of the root and aerial part of 3 weeks old cowpea plant of the Galib variety (Vignaunguiculata (L) Walp) under chloride salinity (50,100 ,150 mMNaCL). It is shown that the reason for the decrease in plant weight in a saline environment is partly due to the weakening of nitrate nutrition. Trichoderma and molybdenum protect the enzyme from the toxic effect of chloride salinity, positively affecting the activity of plant nitrate reductase in a salty environment. It is believed that TR Asperellum, like molybdenum can play an important role in plant productivity.

Keywords:Vigna, Tr.asperellum, molybdenum, chloride salinity, nitrate reductase activity.


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Citation link:
Gadimov A. G., Alizadeh K. S., Rahimova S. N., Rasulova S. M. Nitrareductase activity in cowpeas under chloride salinization with the participation of trichoderma and molybdenum // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№07/2. -С. 9-15 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.07-2.04
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