Timchenko Pavel Alekseevich (head of the neurofeedback department.
Physical culture and health center "BrainHelp", Moscow, Russia)
This article analyzes the specifics and main directions of application of the transcranial micropolarization method in medicine. The main proposed mechanism of action of this method of stimulation of nervous activity is considered. The results of the use of transcranial micropolarization in pediatrics (in the complex therapy of various neurological disorders in children, as well as in the treatment of amblyopia and alalia) are analyzed. Positive results of the study of the possibilities of using the method of transcranial micropolarization in patients with Parkinson's disease, especially in the initial stages, as well as after a stroke, were noted. The positive impact on the maintenance of cognitive functions in this case is explained by the modulation of neurons and interneuronal connections. Interest was noted in the possibilities of using the method of transcranial micropolarization in sports medicine to improve sports results. According to the results of the theoretical study, the main promising direction for further research is the study of the mechanism of action of transcranial micropolarization on the activity of neuronal structures of the brain, which would allow more targeted and effective application of this method in the treatment of various conditions.
Keywords:transcranial micropolarization, neuromodulation, tDCS, cognitive impairments, brain
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Citation link: Timchenko P. A. ANALYSIS AND FEATURES OF THE USE OF TRANSCRANIAL MICROPOLARIZATION IN THE MODULATION OF NERVOUS ACTIVITY // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№03. -С. 237-241 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2023.03.35 |