Gusenov Serazhudin Gusenovic ()
Rasulov Ibragim Magomedkamilovich ()
Ilyasov Kamilhan Abdulsalamovich ()
Idrisova Muminat Abdusalamovna ()
It is well known that the treatment of periodontal tissue diseases is complex, which includes a combination of etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy methods.The aim of our study was to increase the effectiveness of treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. 180 people were included in the study, 120 of them formed a control group, and as a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic therapeutic agent, they used traditional drugs available to doctors, these are 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 0.02% furacilin solution, 0.2% chlorhexidine solution, calendula tincture, romazulan, etc., in the form of applications and rinses. In 60 people of the main group, a 0.01% aqueous solution of miramistin was used as treatment. The results of the study indicate that in patients with moderate and severe CGP who received the complex treatment proposed by us, the positive dynamics of clinical indicators in periodontal tissues is clearly expressed.
Keywords:generalized periodontitis, periodontal index, hygienic index, pathological mobility of teeth
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Citation link: Gusenov S. G., Rasulov I. M., Ilyasov K. A., Idrisova M. A. THE ROLE OF ORTHOPEDIC METHODS IN THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CHRONIC GENERALIZED PERIODONTITIS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№05. -С. 125-129 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.05.09 |