A computer defect analyzer for ultrasonic flaw detection of hazardous production facilities is considered on the example of control objects of large-sized shafts, studs, rods, axles, supports, bolts, trunnions, extensions, and other parts of HPP equipment. The computer defect analyzer is designed to calculate the areas of defects, set up devices for ultrasonic testing according to ARD and SKH diagrams. The main distinctive advantages of a computer defect analyzer are:
1. Geometric interpretation of all computer calculations of defect parameters, which for the first time allows the operator to visually control the calculations themselves, i.e. the calculation ceases to be a black box, which significantly reduces the number of errors compared to the "manual" calculation;
2. Significant simplification of calculations of defect parameters.
Automation: 1) calculations of instrument settings, 2) calculations of the size / area of defects, 3) evaluation of defects greatly increases productivity, reliability and, very importantly, the visibility of instrument settings, calculations of defects, evaluation of defects. Minimizes control errors associated with
manual calculations of instrument settings and manual calculations of the size / area of defects and their subsequent evaluation greatly increases the productivity, reliability and quality of control. Promotes the use of remote control methods.
Automation and full visualization of defect calculations and their evaluation with animation of the algorithm of the process of setting up the monitoring equipment make the calculation operations visual, visually controlled and completely eliminates errors related to the human factor that often occur when performing complex calculation operations manually, which is extremely important (!), especially when monitoring hazardous production facilities
Keywords:computer analyzer; control automation; control computerization; control visualization; artificial intelligence during control; control productivity improvement; control quality improvement; control reliability improvement; industrial safety; non-destructive testing