Gaipov Konstantin Eduardovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting head, Scientific laboratory "Satellite telecommunication systems", Siberian State University. M.F. Reshetnev)
Demicheva Alena Alekseevna (Junior Research Fellow, Scientific Laboratory "Satellite Telecommunication Systems", Siberian State University. M.F. Reshetnev )
Demichev Maxim Sergeevich (Information Security Design Engineer, JSC NPP Radiosvyaz )
Abramchik Daniil Dmitrievich (3rd year student, Siberian State University. M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk)
Krikunov Ilya Leonidovich (Junior Research Fellow, Scientific Laboratory "Satellite Telecommunication Systems", Siberian State University. M.F. Reshetnev )
Formulation of the problem. The introduction of satellite constellations in medium and low orbits for the provision of data transmission services requires the designers of such a system to determine a number of parameters when creating its appearance, such as the bandwidth of radio channels of subscriber, feeder and inter-satellite communication lines, the power of signal emission, and the assessment of the possibility of transmitting a given volume information and more. This article provides an algorithm for the formation of a mathematical model for assessing the possibility of data transmission at a given rate between sources and receivers and searching for the required frequency bands of communication channels.
Target. Development of an optimization mathematical model for solving the problem of parametric synthesis of satellite systems and multipath routing, where the optimality criterion is the determination of the minimum required data rate of the inter-satellite communication channel.
Used methods. The calculation is carried out by the contour method based on the tensor analysis of telecommunication networks, according to which information flows passing through communication channels are expressed through a linear combination of flows circulating in linearly independent graph cycles. Using flows in contours allows you to reduce the number of variables in the mathematical model.
Novelty. It consists in adapting the contour analysis method to the problem of parametric synthesis, to search for the required frequency bands for each communication channel.
Result. A mathematical model has been formed to calculate the distribution of traffic flows in the system's communication channels, with the introduction of known information flows from sources to recipients.
Practical significance. The proposed algorithm can be used in the development of wireless data transmission systems, in particular satellite systems.
Keywords:routing, graph, contour method, telecommunication network, frequency distribution
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Citation link: Gaipov K. E., Demicheva A. A., Demichev M. S., Abramchik D. D., Krikunov I. L. SEARCH FOR OPTIMUM ROUTES IN WIRELESS NETWORKS BY THE LOOP METHOD // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№07. -С. 36-40 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.07.08 |