Yangirova Liana Yanurovna (postgraduate student, Tyumen State University)
Petukhova Galina Alexandrovna (Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Tyumen State University)
This study aims to assess the effect of oil pollution on the morphological parameters of oats grown on soils contaminated with oil. Obtaining data on the effect of oil pollution on the morphological parameters of oats is of great relevance, since it allows to increase crop yields and reduce environmental damage caused by pollution.
The study showed that oil pollution has a negative effect on the morphological parameters of oats. The length of the root, the length of the hypocotyl, the length and width of the leaf, and the number of roots significantly decreased when growing oats on oil-contaminated soils than when growing on clean soils. This indicates that oil pollution of the soil can have a serious impact on the growth and development of plants, which can potentially negatively affect the yield of agricultural products.
The data obtained during the study allow for a deeper understanding of the impact of oil spills on various aspects of plant growth and development. And also provide an opportunity to take measures to improve the quality of the soil and increase the yield of agricultural products. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the potential environmental damage that oil pollution can cause. Thus, the results and conclusions obtained are important for decision-making in the field of agriculture and environmental protection.
Keywords:Oil pollution / morphology of oats / hypocotyl / leaf length and width / germination
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Citation link: Yangirova L. Y., Petukhova G. A. THE EFFECT OF OIL CONTAMINATION OF THE SOIL ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF OATS AVENA SATIVA // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№09. -С. 41-45 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.09.40 |