Azizova Dina Anvarovna (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Kazan Federal University
Khairutdinova Aigul Rafikovna (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Kazan Federal University
Hafizov Rais Gabbasovich (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Kazan Federal University
Adentia in most cases is accompanied by the development of temporomandibular disorders (TMJ). We have found that the use of botulinum therapy in the complex treatment of adentia accompanied by TMJ under the control of electromyography (EMG) improves the well-being of patients, provides muscle relaxation of the masticatory muscles, reduces or removes pain in the TMJ and masticatory muscles. This is the reason to recommend botulinum therapy as an effective, safe and necessary treatment for TMJ. We recommend repeated injections of botlinotherapy after 3-6 months to obtain more stable results of treatment of TMJ
Keywords:botulinum toxin, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism, masticatory muscles, pain
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Citation link: Azizova D. A., Khairutdinova A. R., Hafizov R. G. THE USE OF BOTULINUM NEUROPROTEIN IN THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№09/2. -С. 133-136 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.9-2.01 |