Hubert Ekaterina Sergeevna (Postgraduate student of the Department of Information Security, Financial
Kozminykh Sergey Igorevich (Professor of the Department of Information Security
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Modern information technologies are developing every day and occupy an increas-ingly important place in the life of society. One of the most important areas of ap-plication of information technologies is the fuel and energy complex (fuel and ener-gy complex). Companies working in the fuel and energy sector process a large amount of confidential information, including through electronic document man-agement (EDI). The use of EDI allows you to speed up the processes of information exchange, reduce the cost of paper documentation and reduce the time for the exe-cution of contracts. However, the use of EDI is also associated with threats to in-formation security, which can lead to serious consequences for the company and its customers. This article discusses the classification of electronic document manage-ment systems and the possibilities of the most popular of them. The issues of in-formation security are also analyzed based on the functionality of the presented electronic document management systems.
Keywords:Electronic document management, EDMS, information threats, data protection.
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Citation link: Hubert E. S., Kozminykh S. I. PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT FLOW AT THE FACILITIES OF THE FUEL AND ENERGY COMPLEX // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№11. -С. 60-69 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.11.09 |