Bisultanova Zura Isanovna (Art. Lecturer, Chechen State University named A.A. Kadyrov, Grozny, Russia)
Bisultanova Zarina Ruslanovna (research assistant, Chechen State University named A.A. Kadyrov, Grozny, Russia)
Dodnaeva Lajla Ramzanovna (research assistant, Chechen State University named A.A. Kadyrov, Grozny, Russia)
Dzhambetova Petimat Makhmudovna (Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor Comprehensive Research Institute named after. H. I. Ibragimova RAS, Grozny, Russia )
Target. Isolation and identification of endophytic activities from the cosmopolitan medicinal plants Chicory, Dandelion officinalis, Plantain and Chamomile, growing in the mountainous zone of the Chechen Republic.
Methods. For identification, standard methods of isolation from different parts of plants are used using a semi-automatic bacteriological analyzer AutoScan 4 (Siemens, Germany).
Results. Isolates from chicory flowers and dandelion leaves are gram(+) bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus sciuri. Isolates from leaves and flowers of chamomile, from stems of chicory, plantain and dandelion are represented by gram(-) bacteria of the genera Pantoea and Enterobacter. Pantoea agglomerans was most often sown. En was isolated in the stems of chicory and plantain. agglomerans, while in the stems of Cichorium intybus, the species was identified in English. carcinogenic. En.r cloacae and P. agglomerans were found in daisy leaves. The greatest diversity of endophytes was observed in plantago major stem isolates (five species). Of the unique species, it is worth noting Cedecea neteri, found in the leaves of Matricaria chamomīlla, a rare human pathogen that can harbor bacteremia.
Keywords:endophytic microorganisms, cosmopolitan plants, endophytes, isolates.
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Citation link: Bisultanova Z. I., Bisultanova Z. R., Dodnaeva L. R., Dzhambetova P. M. IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ENDOPHYTIC LESIONS FROM TISSUES OF COSMOPOLITAN PLANTS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№12. -С. 7-11 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.12.02 |