Rusakov Alexey Mikhailovich (Senior Lecturer,
MIREA - Russian University of Technology
Solovyova Veronika Antonovna (MIREA – Russian Technological University)
Rakhimov Igor Ruslanovich (MIREA – Russian Technological University)
Vorobyov Ivan Alekseevich (MIREA – Russian Technological University)
Filatov Vyacheslav Valeryevich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
MIREA – Russian University of Technology
This article presents a study on the development of a tool for realizing the function of image transformation by author's style on the basis of machine learning algorithms. The research materials contain a detailed description of the choice of the architecture of the developed system, its implementation features, as well as the description of the main modules and functions of the developed software. The main tasks are formulated, methods and algorithms to be considered in the development are identified.
Keywords:image transformation, machine learning.
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Citation link: Rusakov A. M., Solovyova V. A., Rakhimov I. R., Vorobyov I. A., Filatov V. V. DEVELOPMENT OF A SOFTWARE TOOL FOR REALIZING THE FUNCTION OF IMAGE TRANSFORMATION BY AUTHOR’S STYLE BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№05. -С. 139-146 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.05.29 |