Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Al Hakim Rida  (graduate student Peoples' Friendship University of Russia )

Kovaleva Ekaterina Alexandrovna  (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Peoples' Friendship University of Russia )

In the modern educational context, where distance learning is becoming an integral part of the educational process, the effectiveness of data transmission plays a crucial role in providing quality education. This article is devoted to the development of algorithms aimed at improving the efficiency of data transmission in distance learning systems. This introduction substantiates the relevance of research in this area, formulates the goals and objectives of this chapter, and provides a brief description of the plan of its structure. With the growing number of students using distance learning resources, the question arises about the effectiveness of data transmission in distance learning networks. Existing challenges include the need to ensure stable access to educational materials, minimize delays, and ensure high-quality learning. This article is devoted to the development of algorithms aimed at improving the efficiency of data transmission in distance learning systems. The study covers three main approaches: quality of service (QoS) management in software-configurable networks (SDN), QoS management in traditional networks, and the development of an algorithm for teaching in conditions of limited Internet connection or inability to manage the network.

Keywords:distance learning, quality of service, multimedia, network protocols, shortest path algorithms, SDN network


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Citation link:
Al H. R., Kovaleva E. A. WAYS TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF DATA TRANSMISSION IN DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEMS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№07/2. -С. 35-45 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2024.7–2.03
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