Chuvakov Aleksandr Vladimirovich (PhD, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Samara State Technical University"
Boryaev Rodion Olegovich (Postgraduate Student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Samara State Technical University"
Due to the continuous growth of the Russian factoring products market, participants in this market are faced with the need to gain competitive ad-vantages, including through the use of new approaches in the field of manage-ment. The integrated use of organizational systems management methods and the use of innovative approaches and technologies can be used as a tool to gain these advantages over competitors. This article focuses on risk management in deci-sion-making in the field of factoring. The risks considered include unfavorable in-dicators of client companies, inclusion in sanctions lists, data from insurance and rating agencies and other significant financial indicators. The possibility of ex-panding the existing approach to building automated information systems to support factoring decisions with an additional module for calculating the com-mission rate for a transaction in real time for each individual transaction, taking into account the widest available set of input values that affect the formation of risks for the factor company is considered. Attention is focused on the impossi-bility of building such a system based on classical algorithms. The use of quan-tum computing for this module is proposed. The structure of the incoming infor-mation necessary for the implementation of the task is analyzed, a general con-cept of risk analysis is built. The ontological model contains all the information on the interaction of elements that affect the occurrence of risks for the factor company and provides their assessment in the form of making a decision on the rate or the impossibility of conducting a transaction.
Keywords:automated information systems, factoring, quantum computing, quantum Monte Carlo method, ontology, knowledge base
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Citation link: Chuvakov A. V., Boryaev R. O. DESIGNING AN INFORMATION SYSTEM TO SUPPORT FACTOR-ING DECISIONS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№11. -С. 176-184 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.11.43 |