Mussina Natalia Vitalievna (The head of Department. LTD. "CWIS")
Charantia Mikhail Alexandrovich (The head of Department. LLC "Gormash-Yul")
Anisimov Alexey Alexandrovitch (Zam. head of the Department. LTD. "CWIS")
Kovalev Valery Viktorovich (The Deputy chief engineer. LTD. "CWIS")
Mogilevtsev Eugene A. (The head of Department. LLC "Gormash-Yul")
Ensuring safe operation of buildings and structures is an important aspect of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. One of the activities is to monitor the technical condition of buildings and structures. This article deals with the role of monitoring in the evaluation of the technical condition of buildings and structures. In summary, it is worth noting that the monitoring of technical condition of buildings and structures is one of the basic measures to ensure the safe operation of such facilities.
Keywords:monitoring, technical condition, industrial safety.
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Citation link: Mussina N. V., Charantia M. A., Anisimov A. A., Kovalev V. V., Mogilevtsev E. A. Monitoring of technical condition of buildings and structures by the expert organization - the key to the safe operation of hazardous production facilities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№11. -С. 53-55 |