Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Classification and factors of innovative potential of the country

Galchuk Artem Anatolievich  (Graduate student, Kiev national economic university named after V. Hetman )

In the article on the basis of identification of classifications of innovative potential is defined by its type, differences in the forms of functioning which determines the existence of two types: commercial and subsistence. Analyzed and exposed the essence of the three forms of the innovation process: simple in-house (natural), easy inter-organization (product) and advanced. As information, material-technical, financial, human and other resources form a resource of innovative potential of subsystem of the economic system, it was the essence of these core components.

Keywords:innovation, innovative activities, innovation potential of the innovation capacity, the forms of the innovation process.


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Citation link:
Galchuk A. A. Classification and factors of innovative potential of the country // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2015. -№09-10. -С. 7-10
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