Samokhin Alexander (MSU M. V. Lomonosov)
The subject of the study is a modern email marketing. Special attention is paid to the essence of e-marketing, which is viewed through the prism of modern marketing and economic paradigms. Formalized goals and objectives of e-marketing, as well as technologies that are used to achieve the set targets. The features and principles of effective e-marketing, considered his most productive tools based on the specific requirements and areas of operation of the company. The mechanism of implementation of e-marketing, in practice, to achieve maximum effect from a planned advertising campaign.
The novelty and the conclusions of the study is to clarify the nature of e-marketing, designation benefit from the transfer of the functions of marketing management in the electronic space, the development mechanism implementation of e-marketing. Separately allocated principles of an effective system of electronic marketing and the comparative characteristics of e-marketing techniques depending on the purpose and scope of use.
Keywords:email marketing, concept, technology, tools, internet, infologiya, essence, principles, communication.
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Citation link: Samokhin A. Features of modern electronic marketing // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№03. -С. 42-46 |