Pirko Igor Fedorovich (a graduate student of Volgograd State Technical University)
The article shows the aspect of the formation of a successful Internet marketing scheme. The development of the information society has a significant impact of scientific and technological progress, which took place at the end of the twentieth century. It is characterized by rapid change of technological structures in production, the spread of new information and communication technologies in all spheres of life, an increase in production and consumption of information products and services company. Increases the possibility of making and using information to enhance human potential and its development in many areas. The object of investigation used the site and its ability to attract customers, stand out attraction factors, methods of work with a client base. We estimate the potential effectiveness for the company and the expansion in online business structure. It seems that these aspects need to increase business and create new opportunities for entering into regional and global markets.
Keywords:marketing, internet, communication, structure of the company.
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Citation link: Pirko I. F. The structural form of Internet marketing activities of commercial enterprises // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№05. -С. 48-53 |