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Convergence theory through legal perspective

Gyulverdiev Ramu Beyukhanovich  (Postgraduate, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs )

The article deals with the formation and development of the convergence theory, provides an overview of the main ideas and views of its creators. This retrospective analysis of the convergence theory is aimed at not only the study of a specific historical epoch or a particular stage of formation of the state and society, but also the consideration of the evolution of this theory in the legal space, which served as the formation of a new phenomenon – «legal convergence» («convergence of law»). The trend towards intensification of international cooperation of law in different countries actualizes questions analysis of problems related to the process of legal convergence, identify its essential and qualitative characteristics, predicting the effects of convergence of national legal systems. Several examples, reflecting the impact of convergence processes in the determination of the coordinates of the national legislation.

Keywords:law, legal systems, convergence, convergence theory, «new thinking», «optimal structure», legal convergence (convergence of law).


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Citation link:
Gyulverdiev R. B. Convergence theory through legal perspective // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№05. -С. 137-140
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