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Factor marginal profitability analysis of products

Vlasova Victoria Mikhaelovna  (Doctor of Economics, professor, St. Petersburg State University of space in-strument making)

Krylov Eduard Ivanovich  (Doctor of Economics, professor, St. Petersburg State University of space in-strument making)

Marginal analysis system for enterprises producing and selling a few products, includes anali methodology of the relationship of output, cost and profit analysis and other features. System features is not enough time, to work, which, in our opinion, is one of the reasons for the lack of its wide practical application. Implementation of marginal analysis allows management to pre-acceptance reliably assess the current state of and prospects for devel-opment of the enterprise. In the article the pofaktorny marginal analysis of profitability of produc-tion of one product and multinomenclature pro-duction.

Keywords:pofaktorny marginal analysis, cost-effectiveness of products, diversified production.


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Citation link:
Vlasova V. M., Krylov E. I. Factor marginal profitability analysis of products // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№07. -С. 4-7
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