Tereshina Elena (candidate of political sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Conflict
Kazan (Volga) Federal University
The article deals with the essence and the basic types of socio-economic conflicts in modern society. Presents key approaches to the study of social and economic conflict, suggests that with the growth of social and economic conflict is brewing the need for their constructive management and resolution. Socio-economic conflict developing in the sphere of social production and distribution of social wealth among large social communities and institutions, accompanied by extreme tension and disorientation in society. The author concludes that the socio-economic conflicts often occur in practice, since they are connected with the individual quality of life support. Moreover, such conflicts can be transformed and take political overtones, thus develop into a large-scale clash of interests of entire social groups. Despite its conditional nature, typology of social and economic conflict contributes to the disclosure of the nature and content of socio-economic conflict (object, subject, subjects, etc.), As well as practical recommendations for effective management and risk management, conflicts in the sphere of socio-economic support.
Keywords:interest, the transformation of the economic system, the sphere of social production and distribution of social benefits, social and economic conflict, typology of social and economic conflicts
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Citation link: Tereshina E. Types of social end economic conflict in organizations // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№07. -С. 56-59 |