Malikova D. (Cand. of Econ. Sci., Ass. Prof., Izhevsk State Technical University)
The defense-industry complex of the Russian Federation plays signif-icantly the significant role not only regarding ensuring defense capability of the country, but also in economy as the leader of high technologies and progressive methods of production management. In the article the princi-ples of organizing program-project management by a pilot-serial produc-tion of defense-industry enterprises are consistently considered and sys-tematized. System approach gives the chance to provide a chain of the principles: system principles, management principles, programming prin-ciples, project management principles. It has shown that from the point of view of obligation and need of a solution of the defense-industry complex problems (ensuring national security, accomplishment of the state defense order, etc.) a program-project management can essentially serve as organ-izational and economic basis of an experienced serial production of de-fense-industry enterprises.
Keywords:program-project management, defense-industry complex, pilot-serial pro-duction, programming principles, project management principles.
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Citation link: Malikova D. Program-project management as a factor of hi-tech production development at defense-industry enterprises // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№05. -С. 42-48 |