Zaretsky Andrei Mikhailovich (Nizhny Novgorod Regional Public Organization of Public Control)
The purpose of the study is to analyze the main trends in the development of modern jurisprudence. The objectives of the study are to study the relevance, importance, timeliness, problems and threats associated with the introduction of IT-technologies in all areas of jurisprudence, as well as the specifics of one of the promising areas of development of modern jurisprudence - investing (financing) of litigation. The research methodology was compiled by general scientific methods of cognition, including the principle of objectivity, systemically. Along with general scientific methods of cognition, private scientific methods were used: descriptive, comparative legal. The result of the study can be considered the conclusion that the introduction of technology and changes in the field of jurisprudence is slow and gradual. It is obvious that today the market is not ready to abandon highly qualified specialists in the field of law. The novelty of the study is an attempt to see the relationship between IT technologies that penetrate into classical jurisprudence and legal relationships, to show the strengths and weaknesses of new solutions in jurisprudence.
Keywords:IT technology, Jurisprudence IT, reference legal and automated information systems, robots lawyers, smart contracts, litigation investment, Innovation
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Citation link: Zaretsky A. M. Current trends in the development of law // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№10. -С. 147-150 |