Bogomolova Alena (branch of FSAEI of HE «SUSU (NRU)», Nizhnevartovsk)
Ziablitckaia Natalia (doctor economical. sciences, branch of FSAEI of HE «SUSU (NRU)», Nizhnevartovsk)
Raush Yana (branch of FSAEI of HE «SUSU (NRU)», Nizhnevartovsk)
Chernysheva Elena (branch of FSAEI of HE «SUSU (NRU)», Nizhnevartovsk)
The article considers small business as one of the most important elements affecting the stability of the economy and the political situation in the country. The main barriers to the development of small business are listed. Currently, various mechanisms to support small businesses are being developed and improved by the authorities.
Keywords:small business, regulation, market economy.
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Citation link: Bogomolova A. , Ziablitckaia N. , Raush Y. , Chernysheva E. Entrepreneurship in the modern economy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№06. -С. 7-11 DOI 10.37882/2223–2974.2020.06.02 |