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Negatory claim as a way of protecting the title rights of property owners

Seleznyov Artem Borisovich  (Russian Academy of advocacy and notaries, Moscow)

Efimova Olga Vladimirovna  (PhD in law, docent, Russian Academy of advocacy and notaries, Moscow)

The article deals with the features of title ownership, violation of title rights and their protection by negator action. The article describes the basis, subject, subject structure, and limitation period of a non-compensatory claim. The application of a negation claim in the protection of title rights of real estate owners is considered on the example of the rights of land owners. The advantages of a non-compensatory claim in protecting the title rights of real estate owners are noted. The article also considers the correlation between a negator claim and a vindication claim, which is also a real-law method of protecting the rights of owners.

Keywords:title ownership, protection of title rights, negation claim, vindication claim, real estate, land plots.


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Citation link:
Seleznyov A. B., Efimova O. V. Negatory claim as a way of protecting the title rights of property owners // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№12. -С. 183-185 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2020.12.33
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