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Problems of forecasting the market of import-substituting products

Ovchinnikov Aleksey Pavlovich  (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport" (MIIT))

The issues of forecasting the development of the market of import-substituting products are characterized by increased relevance. This is due not only to the state's import substitution policy, but also to the need to build objective guidelines regarding the prospects for the development of relevant markets for business entities. Forecasting the market of import-substituting products faces a number of objective and subjective problems that require separate analysis and finding ways to solve them. These are problems related to the uncertainty of the prospects for implementing the state policy of import substitution, the boundaries of the market for import substitution products, the presence of various segments of this market, and other problems. The article reveals the main problems of forecasting the market of import-substituting products and identifies ways to solve them.

Keywords:forecasting, the market of import-substituting products, features, problems


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Citation link:
Ovchinnikov A. P. Problems of forecasting the market of import-substituting products // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№10. -С. 44-46 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.10.15
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