understanding the essence of the current order of cassation proceedings is impossible without an analysis of its roots, as well as a study of its historical development. The judicial reform of 1864 is one of the most progressive reforms of its time. The purpose of our study is to study the role of the Charter of Criminal Procedure in the formation and development of the institution of cassation in Russia, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the revision procedure. The methodological basis of the study is a set of general scientific and particular scientific methods of cognition, including: analysis, synthesis, historical, dialectical, system-structural, formal-legal methods. The study and analysis of the main provisions of the Charter of Criminal Procedure of 1864 is relevant, since it was in this document that the institution of classical cassation was first enshrined, and for the first time the principle of competition was reflected in the basis of Russian criminal proceedings, which was reflected in the formation of the institution of cassation, many provisions of the Charter criminal proceedings remain progressive in our time.
Keywords:cassation proceedings, Statute of criminal proceedings, cassation complaint, judicial reform, right to appeal, revision of court decisions.