Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Impact of anti-Russian sanctions on government information systems

Zubkov Ivan Borisovich  (Post-graduate at the Institute of Legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation)

The significance of sanctions restrictions in different sectors of the economy is significantly different. So, if such areas as the extraction of raw materials or oil products will suffer from sanctions to a minimal extent, given the high liquidity of these products, then the financial and innovative sectors of the national economy will suffer from sanctions restrictions to a much greater extent. The article considers the impact of new sanctions against the Russian Federation on the development of innovative sectors of the national economy, including the issues of digitalization of public services. It is concluded that under the current conditions, the proper functioning of one of the key groups of public services - public information systems is under serious threat. The study considers the concept of the state information system and its main characteristics as an analytical system. Also, the problems of shortage in the Russian Federation of computer (including server) equipment are considered. On the example of a shortage of processors for servers, legal ways to overcome the above deficit are considered. In addition, the features of the legal regulation of intellectual rights to software are considered, a conclusion is made about the priority of using the mechanism of compulsory licensing to ensure a reasonable balance of private and public interests in the area under study.

Keywords:sanctions, innovations, innovation sphere, sanctions restrictions, state information system, shortage of processors, legal consequences of sanctions.


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Citation link:
Zubkov I. B. Impact of anti-Russian sanctions on government information systems // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2022. -№04. -С. 169-171 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2022.04.11
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