Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Medvedeva Natalya Konstantinovna  (postgraduate student at St. Petersburg State University)

In modern conditions, within the framework of national and regional economies, the practical use of the results of research and innovation activities of higher educational institutions is beginning to be of greater interest. There is a need to introduce into the university structure departments that carry out practically oriented scientific research, as well as sectors that implement its innovative activities. In order to determine the feasibility of creating sustainable innovation infrastructures in organizations in the higher education sector, it is necessary to first assess the economic indicators of research and innovation activities of universities. The purpose of the article is to analyze individual economic indicators of research and innovation activities of universities in the Russian Federation. In the course of the research, the number of small innovative enterprises established at universities, the number of licensing agreements, income from research and development work (hereinafter referred to as R&D) per scientific and pedagogical worker, the share of income from R&D, the share of R&D performed on their own (without the involvement of co-executors), the share of funds from the use of the results of intellectual activity in the total income of an educational organization from R&D and the share of funds from the use of the results of intellectual activity.

Keywords:innovative activity of the university, research activity, income from research and development work, results of intellectual activity, small innovative enterprises


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Citation link:
Medvedeva N. K. ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ACTIVITIES OF UNIVERSITIES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№03. -С. 48-52 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.03.21
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