Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Khasiyeva Leyla Qabilkizi  (Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, BSU PhD in economics )

Samigulina Naila Anvarovna  (Doctorate of the Department of Economics BSU)

The pharmaceutical industry has a special place in the global economy: for example, it is outstanding due to its most sophisticated technologies, which imply advanced requirements for production standards, including pharmacopoeia and good manufacturing etc. practices; appropriate opportunities are required for the implementation of scientific and technical potential; also, this industry has the highest research and development costs. This production sector has leading indicators in a number of parameters, which elevates it to the rank of the most promising for any economy, but to which extend would it be appropriate to choose this particular industry to stimulate in a chosen country - it is a controversial issue - not only due to rather high costs - as in the context of the economies of individual countries, we see that this sphere of production requires aspects needed to be taken into consideration - because they prevent the "search" for existing practices or the application of a "ready-made template" for the development of the industry - because they are caused by the differences of the economies themselves; there are a number of factors which were examined in this article.

Keywords:pharmaceutical industry, generic manufacturing, global industry development practices, pharmaceutical safety


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Citation link:
Khasiyeva L. Q., Samigulina N. A. PREREQUISITES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: THEORY AND PRACTICE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№09. -С. 112-116 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.09.35
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