Mkhitaryan David (Postgraduate student of the Russian State Social University, Moscow)
This article examines approaches to assessing single-industry towns and their specifics from the standpoint of management at the administrative level. The author analyzed the characteristics of single-industry towns in the Russian Federation, presented various points of view of researchers on the problems of municipal management in single-industry towns, and identified a number of problematic aspects of organizing interactions between local governments and businesses with the population in single-industry towns. A single-industry town is a special type of municipal formation, in which it is the successful functioning of the town-forming enterprise that has the greatest impact on administrative management. The development of intersectoral social partnership based on increasing the efficiency of interaction between municipal government bodies, business represented by town-forming enterprises, science (educational institutions) and the population, including non-profit and socially oriented organizations, seems relevant for single-industry towns. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive and systemic analysis, assess the efficiency of interaction between municipal authorities, the population and business in single-industry towns in order to introduce the necessary legislative and regulatory changes based on the study and analysis of the positive experience of individual single-industry towns of the Russian Federation.
Keywords:single-industry town, city-forming enterprise, management object, municipal authorities, local government
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Citation link: Mkhitaryan D. THE SPECIFICS OF A SINGLE-INDUSTRY TOWN AS AN OBJECT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№12. -С. 217-220 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.12.24 |