Gelfand Artem Maksimovich (Assistant of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications)
Pestov Igor Evgenevich (Senior Lecturer of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State Universi-ty of Telecommunications)
Katasonov Alexandr Igorevich (technician of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications)
Ryazantsev Kirill Sergeevich (instructor consultant of the FastLane RCIS)
Recently, in the field of managing data networks, there is a problem in en-suring the security of data confidentiality and integrity. In this article, we consider an example of one of the information systems in which a public da-ta network is supported. For example, given an information system where it is provided and used by software developers, they actively exchange data, and also store their developments on a protected database. To protect the information system, special software packages are used that are responsible for the imposition of a digital watermark, the addition of licensed special symbols, as well as various properties of non-repudiation and authenticity for "fresh" programs. Purpose: Since there is a risk in the information sys-tem that protected special characters can be intercepted and copied for illegal actions. Therefore, the goal is to develop software that effectively extends to the protected information system, namely the self-modifying code (hereinaf-ter referred to as SMS) developed during the distribution model implementa-tion. Task: Development of the SMS distribution model in the protected in-formation system. Research hypothesis: It is assumed that if we develop software that implements the SMS and efficiently distributes it, then the in-formation system can be considered safe from attacks on intercepting pro-tected special symbols for illegal actions. Method: This article looks at an example of an information system, and this example developed software, which implements the SMS. Result Achieved: A software model has been designed that most extensively distributes self-modifying code over the IS.
Keywords:EIGRP, Model Predictive Control, State-Space Model Predictive Control, self-modifying code, data network
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Citation link: Gelfand A. M., Pestov I. E., Katasonov A. I., Ryazantsev K. S. Development of self-modifying code propagation models in the pro-tected information system // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№08. -С. 91-97 |