Tikhonov Martin Robertovich (graduate student, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
The article describes various ways of combining risk assessment, as a risk management subprocess, methods and provides a comparative analysis of these methods. Risk assessment includes processes of risk identification, risk analysis and comparative risk assessment. The main options are serial, parallel, serial-parallel and parallel-serial. The aim of the article is to classify possible ways of combining risk assessment methods that will help in choosing the optimal route for building a risk management process for each organization. The text of the article provides examples of the implementation of procedures for various methods of combining methods in accordance with the standard that describes the methods of risk assessment and recognized practices. The methods chosen as examples are common evaluation methods and are not applied only in the context of risk assessment. The results of the analysis given in the article, as well as the classification of methods of combining themselves, can be used to create automated risk management systems using combined methods.
Keywords:Management, Risk Assessment, Combination, Quality, Risk Analysis, Assessment Methods
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Citation link: Tikhonov M. R. Classification of options for combining risk assessment methods // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№09. -С. 64-69 |