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The results of the study microbial activity of contaminated land Amginskiy tank farm (Central Yakutia)

Erofeevskaya Larisa Anatolievna  (Research scientific, The Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Science)

The results of microbiological studies of the soils of the emergency territory of the Amga oil depot located in the Central part of Yakutia are presented. It is established that in the course of self-restoration, soils were insufficiently cleared of hydrocarbonic pollution and are in ecological intensity. As signs of degradation of the earths serve rarity or absence of a vegetative cover, phytotoxicity, changes of physical and chemical properties of soil: formation locks soil structure, water repellency, salinity, high values рН, a lack of mobile phosphorus, nitrogen of nitrates, ammonia nitrogen, phytotoxicity.

Keywords:oil, microflora, bacteria, fungi, environmental safety, оil products, degradation, microorganisms, ecology, biological products, soil, hydrocarbonic pollution


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Citation link:
Erofeevskaya L. A. The results of the study microbial activity of contaminated land Amginskiy tank farm (Central Yakutia) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№08. -С. 12-23
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