Kobets Elizaveta A. (leading engineer, postgraduate student, ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg))
Nasyrov Nail F. (assistant, postgraduate student, ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg))
Komarov Michael S. (engineer, ITMO University, (Saint-Petersburg))
Gorlushkina Natalia N. (PhD in Engineering, associate professor, ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg))
The scientific paper the problem is considered the automation norm rule checking the execution of text documents. The authors investigated the process of increasing the functionality opportunities of the automated error search tool. The main stages are identified and the tasks are considered for the formalization of the requirements of various standards. The task of translating requirements from a verbal description in the algorithmic language has been solved. As a result, the algorithm was developed for checking the sequence of actions to formalize the requirements of standards that regulate and govern the execution of documentation. The results allow to expand the functionality opportunities of the automation documents norm rule checking service.
Keywords:algorithm, automation, norm rule checking, formalization errors, execution of text documents, standards, unification.
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Citation link: Kobets E. A., Nasyrov N. F., Komarov M. S., Gorlushkina N. N. The algorithm of formalization the requirements for the execution of documents for the automation norm rule checking service // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№07. -С. 89-95 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.07.15 |