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Natural language processing techniques in a language practice application

Shiryaev Alexey Pavlovich  (Head of Technical Support, MULTIPAS LLC )

Kapitanov Andrey Ivanovich  (Assistant, National Research University "MIET»)

Globalization affects each of us in one way or another. Communication with colleagues around the world is one of the factors that affects the acceleration of progress and the increase in advantages compared to those who are in an insurmountable language barrier. The main problems in learning a foreign language: internal fears for communicating with a living person; low efficiency in learning a language without fixing the material in practice; lack of time or opportunity to attend conversational clubs or courses for practice; loss of skills in the absence of constant practice. The main idea of creating an application for language practice is to improve communication skills in a foreign language during the discussion of the chosen topic. In this paper, we study the accuracy of the choice of learning paths for various methods of preprocessing text messages.

Keywords:NLP, Finite-state machine, machine learning, Glove.


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Citation link:
Shiryaev A. P., Kapitanov A. I. Natural language processing techniques in a language practice application // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№04. -С. 158-161 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.04.40
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