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Development of a calculator for calculating integrals by a numerical method using the Newton-Cotes formulas

Georgieva Maryana Albekovna  (Senior Lecturer KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))

Ezaova Alena Georgievna  (associate Professor, Department of Algebra and Differential Equations KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))

Arvanova Saniyat Mukhamedovna  (Senior Lecturer KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))

Chochieva Asiyat Muharbievna  (Assistant KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))

Losanov Khamidbi Khabasovich  (Senior Lecturer KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))

Tlepsheva Diana Anuarovna  (3nd year student of IVT direction KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))

Numerical analysis is applied in all areas of science and some areas of technology and is actually used in solving all kinds of problems that require calculations to obtain a highly accurate solution. The purpose of numerical analysis is to quickly analyze the methods used to obtain approximate numerical solutions in situations where the actual solution is likely to be extremely slow to find, and to try to improve these methods to reduce the number of errors generated in computer calculations. For problems that require exact numbers, it is important to get a very good approximation with few errors. When using the results of one calculation in succession in another, the error will accumulate and, as a result, a very unreliable number will be obtained. That is why the development of a program that performs the calculation of integrals by a numerical method is an important step in solving this problem. The use of this program in solving problems will not only increase the accuracy of calculations, but also significantly reduce their time.

Keywords:calculator, integrals, numerical methods.


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Citation link:
Georgieva M. A., Ezaova A. G., Arvanova S. M., Chochieva A. M., Losanov K. K., Tlepsheva D. A. Development of a calculator for calculating integrals by a numerical method using the Newton-Cotes formulas // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№10/2. -С. 44-54 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.10-2.07
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