Vazhov Sergey Viktorovich (cand. biol. sciences, associate professor, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russia)
Vazhov Victor Markovich (doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russia)
Cheremisin Alexey Alexandrovich (cand. geogr. sciences, associate professor, Polar State University N.M. Fedorovsky, Norilsk, Russia)
Yaskov Mikhail Ivanovich (doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Gorno-Altai State University, Gorno-Altaisk, Russia)
Cherdantseva Elena Vladimirovna (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russia)
The purpose of this work is to summarize the author's and literary information about the distribution, abundance and ecology of osprey in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. In the Altai Territory, the osprey is characterized as an endangered species, in the Altai Republic it is a rare species, listed in the federal and regional Red Books. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the work lies in replenishing the data bank on osprey in Altai, which can be used to improve measures to protect biodiversity.
Keywords:Altai Territory, Altai Republic, osprey, distribution, nesting, threats to the population
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Citation link: Vazhov S. V., Vazhov V. M., Cheremisin A. A., Yaskov M. I., Cherdantseva E. V. TO THE STUDY OF THE OSPREY PANDION HALIAETUS IN ALTAI // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№08. -С. 14-17 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.8.11 |