Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Scientific and practical journal, Moscow

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Журнал - Современная наука: Экономика и Право

The magazine «"Modern Science: actual problems of theory and practice"»
Series ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО - №02 2018

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Economy and management of the national economy
Inter-level interaction in development management of rural territories infrastructureBalandin D. , (Can. of econ. sci Perm branch of the Institute of Economics Ural Branch of RAS)
Pytkina S. , (Can. of econ. sci. Perm branch of the Institute of Economics Ural Branch of RAS)
Fedoseeva S. , (Economist Perm branch of the Institute of Economics Ural Branch of RAS)
P. 3-8
Comparative analysis of approaches to risk management of payment service providers of various levelGruzina Y. M., (PhD, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Masino M. N., (PhD, Associate Professor, Bank expert)
P. 9-14
Key Trends in Digital Development technologies in economicsDoguchaeva S. M., (Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow)
P. 15-17
Tax reform in the oil and gas sector in Russia - advantages and disadvantages of the transition from the MET to the tax on added incomeZabaikin I. V., (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Russian state geological prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze )
Lyutyagin D. V., (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Russian state geological prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze )
P. 18-25
Accelerated development of protective and recreational forest management in the interests of increasing the efficiency of using the agroforest potential of the regional economic spaceKozhuhov N. I., (Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, DSc in Economics, Professor Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Tikhomirov E. A., (PhD, lecturer Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Topcheev A. N., (Federal State Budget Education Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov», Voronezh, Russian Federation)
P. 26-30
Status and trends of development of the social infrastructure of rural territories in the countries of the EAEUKozlov A. V., (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, All-Russian Research Insti-tute of Agricultural Economics, Moscow )
Yakovleva O. A., (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Moscow state Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA by K.I.Skryabin)
Mindlin Y. B., (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow state Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA by K.I.Skryabin)
P. 31-36
The development tendencies of rural territories’ regional infrastructure (on the Perm Territory example)Pytkin A. , (Doc. of econ. sci., Prof. Perm branch of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS)
Kovaleva E. , (Can. of econ. sci. Perm branch of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS)
Tiron G. , (Can. of econ. sci. Perm branch of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS)
P. 37-43
Human capital and its role in innovation development of the economyTimofeev D. , (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Ad-ministration (Moscow))
P. 44-48
Finance, monetary circulation and credit
Management of investment attractiveness of enterprises: principles, methods, organizationZemlyakova N. S., (candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Don State Technical University)
Denisenko Y. N., (candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Don State Technical University)
Grishchenko O. V., (Taganrog Institute Named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) of Rostov state University of Economics)
P. 49-54
Prospects for US Shale Oil Under the World Oil CrisisLoukyanenko K. , (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow))
P. 55-59
Applications in-country macroeconomic methodology for forecasting the dynamics of the Russian stock market in the period of recovery from the recession of 2016-2017Mazaev N. Y., ( Head of Client Operations Department of IC FINAM; Postgraduate student, Plekhanov - Russian University of Economics)
P. 60-64
Banking products range optimization while developing remote banking channelsPalchikov V. , (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow))
P. 65-69
World economy
Socio-economic development of Iran and Russia: comparative analysisNikpour A. , (Postgraduate student of the Lomonosov Moscow State University)
P. 70-73
To a question of the concept of development of administrative law in the Kyrgyz RepublicAkmatov A. D., (the applicant of the Kyrgyz State Legal Academy)
P. 74-80
Land disputes: the concept, signs, classification, resolution featuresBariev A. G., (Graduate student, University of Management "TISBI")
P. 81-83
Information as an object of right of ownershipGolubchikov S. V., (candidate of technical Sciences, head of Department, JSC "NPO "Almaz")
Novikov V. K., (associate Professor, MGIMO University of the MFA of Russia)
Baranova A. V., (PhD student, MGIMO University of the MFA of Russia)
P. 84-90
The comparative analysis of contract systems in the Russian Federation and foreign countriesRakhmatullin N. R., (graduate student, Tatar Institute of assistance to business (TISBI) Kazan, Russia)
P. 91-94
Problems of reforming legislation on legal persons in a part concerning the types of economic society (on the example of practice of separate subjects of the Russian Federation)Rubeko G. L., (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Education of the Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University)
P. 95-98
On the subject of causing property damage by deception or abuse of confidence at absence of signs of theftTolstaya M. E., (Kazan law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)
P. 99-103
Decision on excitation of criminal caseYanovskiy R. S., (candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of Kamchatka branch of ANЕO HE the Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation «Russian University of Cooperation» )
P. 104-106
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